
Sunday, August 25, 2013

NGIDEP (make false eyelashes)

NGIDEP (make false eyelashes) is a sideline activity housewives
and girls after completing their household chores. Usually they
gather in front of the house while chatting. For a Eyelash (false
eyelashes) in respect Rp.500, - the payment system 1x a month
or two times in all. But sometimes there just are Pekir Eyelash
(rejected) so do not get paid, is that sometimes in complaining
about the lawyers eyelash. Eyelash in Purbalingga now a major
work for the mothers. With mengidep they can ease the burden
of life. Eyelash in Purbalingga been exported to Japan, Korea, and
others. With this result makes Purbalingga revenue increases.


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